The stats cache has been refreshed

Xavier Conde Rueda xavi.conde at
Thu Jul 24 08:32:13 UTC 2008


> libuser
> system-config-httpd
> pam_krb5
> revisor
> yumex
> system-switch-mail
> virt-top

revisor is not showing any statistics anymore:

I think we should blacklist modules whose internationalization is
broken. We (translators) shouldn't support applications that make our
life more difficult. If they're listed in transifex, they should take
care of having PO files up to date, and having transifex working

Last months the Catalan team has updated some translations, and 90% of
the times I've found that projects either:

a) don't update the statistics properly, leading to bug reports (which
are not reviewed immediately),
b) don't support web interface for submitting, leading to bug reports
to send translations
c) don't have up-to-date POT files

so transifex is great, but projects are not handling it, leading to
bug reports for communications,  so translations stay on a limbo for
some time. This makes translating Fedora uneasy, and certainly
unmotivating (at least for me and for other translators).



 I am putting myself to the fullest possible use,
 which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.

+ Google talk/Jabber: xavi.conde a

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