DL listing vs. TX listing

Dimitris Glezos dimitris at glezos.com
Tue Sep 23 15:06:19 UTC 2008

2008/9/23 Igor Pires Soares <igorsoares at gmail.com>:
> Em Ter, 2008-09-23 às 13:05 +0300, Dimitris Glezos escreveu:
>> While I believe clean UIs and things 'just working' are good, in this
>> case I think we should *increase* the verbosity of our web tools, so
>> that people can know exactly what's happening. For example, the module
>> page could detect if the msgmerged file is different from the original
>> PO file, warn if different, and provide links to both.
> That would be nice. In my opinion the differences between the statistics
> from DL and the actual module statistics make the translation process a
> bit confusing, probably due to the different tools used to extract the
> strings.
> For instance, the pt_BR translation of system-config-network needs some
> updates accordingly to DL, but when I run the msgmerge I see there are
> no new strings to translate. I am not sure if I can trust the msgmerged
> files generated by DL in this case, since there is one of the usual
> warnings beside the module name.

Good points.

There should be clear documentation whenever a tool does 'magic' (eg.
when was the PO msgmerged? What was the file size before and after?
Was intltool used or was the POT file used?). And a big red button
should exist with which you can override the default behaviour (eg.
get the plain PO file in this case).


Dimitris Glezos
Jabber ID: glezos at jabber.org, GPG: 0xA5A04C3B

"He who gives up functionality for ease of use
loses both and deserves neither." (Anonymous)

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