Potentially ambiguous entries in docbook-locales

Runa Bhattacharjee runab at redhat.com
Wed Aug 12 12:31:04 UTC 2009

Paul W. Frields wrote:

> At the risk of foolishly talking without the expertise to back it up
> -- I think this may be "the index for a set of books."  In DocBook,
> a <set> element contains one or more <book> elements, so I would
> expect a Set Index would be an overall index for the entire set.

Thanks for the explanation. This certainly brings forth the bigger picture of 
how this element is to be used. Thankfully, generic terms can be used in this 
case without obfuscating the translations.

> This is a harder question, since I don't know where the docbook-locale
> stuff you refer to comes from.  But I do know that in
> /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets (or the DocBook v5 version)
> there's a set of XML controlling translations of headings, blurbs, and
> so forth for each language.  They have separate gentext entries for
> "by," "Edited by," "Revised by," and so on.  It looks like the fashion
> in which those are displayed is hard coded in DocBook -- you can turn
> the display of that string on or off, but it always appears above the
> list of editor names.

In this case, looks like there are two representations.

Representation 1:

$foobook by $foowriter

Representation 2:

Edited by:
  * $fooeditor1
  * $fooeditor2
  * $fooeditor3

Option 2 is easier to translate, since the segments can be individually handled. 
However, Option 1 is hard to translate. Unless it is absolutely mandatory to 
have both these lines, perhaps turning it off may be a better way out to avoid 
scrambled text in the compiled document. The TQSG and IQSG[2] seem to be 
following this method at present, but I don't know if DocBook v5 is in play here.

(Not sure if this can be done, but greedy me wonders that perhaps we can check 
if  an experimental book can be compiled with all these tags to better 
understand their placements.)
> Hope this helps in some way.

Absolutely. Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation.


[1] http://docs.fedoraproject.org/translation-quick-start-guide/en_US/
[2] http://docs.fedoraproject.org/installation-quick-start-guide/f11/en-US/html/

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