Document translator credits

tiansworld tiansworld at
Thu Apr 22 07:46:55 UTC 2010

Thank you very much for the work you did for us translators.

May I have some suggestions?
As we know the transifex now support online edit, we can simply click
that pencil icon to translate a po file. This is very useful for the
po files with few lines.
But some guides like release notes, technical notes or user guide are
now split into several small po files for us to translate. We have to
click mouse many times if we want to submit more than one po file:-)
Cause after we submit a po file, the page will return to languages
translation statics page like [1], then we have to click the multiple
files list icon again to open po files list and choose a po file to
translate. So is it possible to make some changes, so that we can
still stay on the multiple files list page after we submit a po file.

In addition, translator's name will not be saved in po file if using
online translating.
If one wants to add his/her name/email/year to the head of po file,
he/she must download the po file to translate. For the guides which
have several po files (like I mentioned above), you have to download
all of them, translate them, add your name and then submit them. To
some extent, it's a little bit of inconvenient.



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