Turkish Translations

noriko noriko at fedoraproject.org
Fri Oct 15 00:23:29 UTC 2010

Hasan Alp iNAN さんは書きました:
> Hi
> I have translated some of the Turkish language files. But i could not find
> where to put these files. Only have my permission to download files on
> Transifex. I tried to send with git. I don't know git very well.

OH!  I thought you have already been approved cvsl10n group application 
for Tx submission...

Generally team sponsor(s) will decide and approve new member's cvsl10n 
group application in FAS, allowing the member's direct submission via 
Transifex. In other words, no one expect to deal with git or such vcs. 
As you might already read, the details is described in TQSG [1].

According to the team page [2], Turkish team coordinator and sponsor is 
'Devrim Gunduz'(dziumanenko at gmail dot com). Now I found that 'Devrim 
Gunduz' has not obtained 'Sponsor' roll to approve the new member. 
Therefore I just have upgraded him to 'Sponsor', and he should be able 
to approve you and any Turkish member now on.

Could you please contact him first for approval, so that you should be 
able to submit your file directly via Transifex?  Otherwise there might 
be some special rule among the team before submitting file.
If any thing not clear yet, please let me and I am happy to help.



> For example:
> git push git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/system-config-boot.git
> fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
> But i failed. I'm guessing this is not allowed to write into file.
> I attached the files I've translated. Can someone add this files to repo who
> has permission to write files? Thank you in advance.
> Best Regards
> Hasan Alp İNAN
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