Collaboration/Cooperation between distribution i18n/l10n teams

Oliver Burger oliver.bgr at
Tue Mar 1 08:14:58 UTC 2011

Am Freitag 25 Februar 2011, 00:38:42 schrieben Sie:
> You mean reporting transifex issues by filling a ticket and telling it
> to other communities?
> Like that, those who know about djungo could help?
Mainly yes, but I think it wouldn't hurt to discuss/list problems/issues with 
transifex we see among the i18n/l10n communities. Perhaps in this way we might 
find workarrounds we wouldn't see on our own.
It's always helpfull to have others with a perhaps different point of view 
looking on the same thing.


-- - Mageia, the magic continues

Oliver Burger

web team
i18n team
packaging team

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