Arthur Rodrigues - Brazilian Portuguese

Arthur Rodrigues Araruna araruna at
Wed Apr 11 19:38:36 UTC 2012

Hello, everybody. This is my self-introduction email to the Fedora
Translation Team. I took the template from the wiki, and I hope it is as
complete as it should be.

Name: Arthur Rodrigues
Location: Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Login (FAS): araruna
Language: Brazilian Portuguese
Profession: Master's Student on Computer Science

About me:
    I'm very interested on helping projects to spread into my country, so I
try to help translating them to Brazilian Portuguese. I am a big fan of
Fedora and I'm very excited to be part of it.

Me and fedora Project:
    Well, I would like to help on the internationalization issues, like
translating string to Portuguese and the like. I do not own much free time
to help at different aspects, so I think this should be all...

My GPG fingerprint (available in the MIT keyserver):
pub   2048R/A13F43F8 2012-04-11
      Impressão digital da chave: 4CFA 5DA8 ACE1 480E D5FE  46F7 2C52 62C9
A13F 43F8
uid                  Arthur Rodrigues Araruna (Arthur Rodrigues,
brasileiro.) <araruna at>
sub   2048R/FAF1E9B2 2012-04-11

I hope I can help you as much as it is possible. =)

Arthur Rodrigues

Aluno de Mestrado em Ciência da Computação pelo MDCC / UFC
Bacharel em Computação pela UFC em 2010
Departamento de Computação
Universidade Federal do Ceará
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