what's behind the scenes of redhat-config-network-gui ?

Peter Boy pboy at barkhof.uni-bremen.de
Thu Aug 7 03:56:22 UTC 2003

Am Mit, 2003-08-06 um 18.40 schrieb Aaron Bennett:
> The reason I ask is, with Red Hat 9 on a Dell C640 and a Dell TrueMobile 
> 1150 ( Lucent card, the orinoco driver works ), when I create a new 
> wireless connection using redhat-config-network-gui, it doesn't work.  
> Activating the card doesn't work, and it never gets an IP address and 
> never contacts the nearest WAP.

Just as an info: There is a new version of redhat-config-network on
rawhide which should solve a but with (at least some) wireless cards.


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