An official trademark policy for CheapBytes-type RHL CDs?

Charles Bronson packetgeek at
Sun Aug 17 02:04:36 UTC 2003

Lance Davis wrote:
> it really hasnt done redhat any favours 
> having their brand diluted, or sold as 'pink tie' etc , possibly because 
> of their lawyers misunderstanding of the way that gpl software is distributed.

AFAIR Red Hat's big issue with alternate provider CD's having the Red Hat 
name/logo on them was that they(Red Hat) were getting too many consumers 
expecting free tech support with their "official" disc's. Please correct me if I 
am wrong on this.

  I don't have a particular vested interest in this issue (I neither buy nor 
sell Linux CD's in this manner) and am only speaking up to clarify a point.

(¬_    Some days you're the windshield    >o)
//\    Some days you're the bug...        /\\
V_/_                                     _\_V
Charles Bronson

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