Mozilla trouble

Alexandre Strube surak at
Wed Dec 3 17:53:19 UTC 2003

Em Qua, 2003-12-03 às 14:06, Christopher Blizzard escreveu:

> >I'm having strange behavior on mozilla... What happens is: with some
> >users on my machine, mozilla does not work with any page which has flash
> >animations. But with my user it works!
> What do you mean "does not work?"  Does it hang?  Does the flash player 
> not show up?

It begins to open the page (the title bar changes for the page title), 
and then it closes silently, even when called from command-line.
I've upgraded to mozilla-1.5, same result.

> Are you sure the plugin is installed globally, within the
> "/usr/mozilla-xxx/plugins" directory, and not locally in "~/.mozilla"
> in the case of the working instance?  This would explain a localised
> failure elsewhere.  The fix is simply to copy the plugins to
> /usr/lib...
> etc.

Yes, sure. It's not installed on my home directory. In fact, it's the
flash-plugin.rpm from

This happens even when I REMOVE flash and java, and happens also when I
use it with a new user.

Don't know what else I can do.


Alexandre Ganso 
500 FOUR vermelha - Diretor Steel Goose Moto Group

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