web page problem - mozilla bug or java-script error?

Henry Hartley henryhartley at westat.com
Wed Dec 3 22:07:12 UTC 2003

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Thomas Munck Steenholdt [mailto:tmus at get2net.dk] 
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 4:53 PM
>> >
>> > http://www.guinnessvote.ca/en/home.phtml
>> >
>> > Is this a mozilla bug, or a java-script problem?
>> This is actually neither!
>> The problem here is that the page has been coded with a shovel
>> (probably only testing it against IE) 
>> Run it through the validator.w3.org
>> It shows 47 errors which might indicate that somebody is not
>> caring too much about standards!!!

The actual issue here is that the size of the Email address and password
fields are different in different browsers.  Since they are a tad wider in
Mozilla or Firebird than they are in IE, they get put on two lines in those
browsers instead of the one in IE.  This pushes both the "Forgot your
password?" text and [Go] button down a bit, pushing them behind the next DIV

That's not to say invalid HTML is okay.  Just that the problem has less to
do with invalid HTML and more to do with a lack of testing.  If it were up
to me, I'd make the two fields one character smaller and they would be
displayed side by side in both browsers and this particular problem would be
solved.  Of course, if it were up to me, it would also have valid HTML, but
that's another battle.

Henry Hartley

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