NVIDIA and arjanv's 2.6 test11 kernel.

John McBride jmcbride at ccis.com
Sat Dec 6 03:19:29 UTC 2003

John McBride wrote:
> ...I assume this relates to the note at minion.de :
> "Update: arjanv kernels no longer use -mregparm=3, binary compatibility 
> with the closed-source NVIDIA kernel module component has been restored. 
> The 4GB/4GB split VM layout patch has been integrated and enabled in all 
> three configurations, however, which breaks the NVIDIA driver, as well. 
> You will need to rebuild without CONFIG_X86_4G_VM_LAYOUT."
> So I guess this means I have to build my own 2.6 kernel from source 
> without this option set.

I got through this okay, I'm such a noob (I did this stuff a little a 
few years ago so it was not all new to me) it was something like:

1) "rpm -i" the src package;
2) Go into /usr/src/redhat;
3) do a "rpmbuild -bp" on the SPECS/kernel-2.6.spec;
4) edit SOURCES/kernel-2.6.0-test11-i686.config so :

# CONFIG_X86_4G is not set

5) tried "rpmbuild -bc --short-circuit" on the spec file, which didn't 
work as hoped;
6) went into BUILD/kernel-2.6.0/linux-2.6.0-test11, backed up and 
double-checked the .config, then did the full "make mrproper, ..." all 
the way through to "make install" as documented in the various kernel 
build howto's.
7) make install failed with an error about the loop device, so I 
insmod'd the loop.ko file (with the full path in /lib/modules) for the 
running kernel then it completed okay.

Then the 2.6 patched nvdia driver rebuild, edit XF86Config per the docs, 
and all was well.

Not too bad, tux racer is really flying down the slopes now!


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