How do list threads work for MIME digest?

Karl DeBisschop kdebisschop at
Sat Dec 13 16:45:27 UTC 2003

> Are the threads held together based on the text of the subject line or
> is there some magic in the header  that makes it work?
> The reason I ask is that I get  the MIME digest and if all that is
> required to maintain a thread is the subject line--no problem but If
> there is some kind of non-subject line tracking involved,  how do I
> reply from a digest.?

There is a message/thread id that the digest looses, so at best, I think 
your message will be listed in the thread, but with a qualification that 
the list software was not sure it was in the thread.

> I'm using TB .4 and it forces a reply to the entire digest and won't
> allow a reply to a single message.

I'm trying to puzzle out the same issue.

There are text-mode MUA that (I'm told) do what we want. Pine is one 

For TB 0.4, try double-clicking on the attachment at the bottom of the 
digest (you should be able to read the title of each thread in a smaller 
inset window). That shoul get you just the one thread, with the proper 
subect and all.

There is a context menu that gives a couple of reply options, but they 
do not seem to work.

So it looks as if the issue is on the radar screen of the developers, 
but isn't quite implemented yet.


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