Fedora C++ and locales

Jouni jouni at sgic.fi
Mon Dec 15 19:04:38 UTC 2003

I have been trying to get wchar_t streams working on Fedora.  Shouldn't
the following code print on wcout and on the file correct UTF-8 stream?

The src in real source file includes UTF-8 encoded string

The output of "printf("\n===\n%s%ls===\n", src, dst);" is two same
correctly UTF-8 encoded strings.

However, the 'wcout' screen output stops just before the first non-ASCII
character.  On the file I receive only the first line which has only
ASCII chars.

How can this be?  I understood that codecvt used internally in fstreams
uses wcsrtombs itself, so shouldn't wide C++ streams behave same way as
%ls in C-printf?


#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <locale>
#include <string>

#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;

int main()
  wchar_t dst[256];
  unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *) dst;

  char *src = "This is a öäåÖÄÅ test\n";

  cout << locale().name() << endl;


  int i = mbstowcs(dst, src, 255);
  printf(">%d< %d\n", i, sizeof(dst));

  for(int x=0; x<i*4; x++) printf("%02hx ", ptr[x]);
  printf("\n===\n%s%ls===\n", src, dst);

  wofstream myfile;

  wcout  << L"Testi " << endl << dst << endl;
  myfile << L"Rivi 1 " << endl << dst << endl;



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