mirrors.usc.edu yum repository out of date?

Daniel Robitaille fedora at robitaille.fastmail.fm
Mon Dec 29 03:14:12 UTC 2003

On Sun, 28 Dec 2003, Jim Cornette wrote:
> >    http://mirrors.usc.edu/pub/linux/fedora/fedora/fedora/1/i368/yum/updates
> > 
> > But I notice that the most recent date on any of these files is December 5th.
> > (The most recent kernel source there is 2.4.22-1.2129, but the one at
> > mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/core/update/1/i368 is 2.4.22-1.2135)
> > 
> The one you listed is for programs that passed QA.
> The one below would be for rpms that have not been thoroughly tested
> yet. They include more recent upgrades.
> http://mirrors.usc.edu/pub/linux/fedora/fedora/fedora/1/i386/yum/testing/

The point of the original post is that the usc.edu mirror IS currently out of
date.  For example, look at:

Kernel version 2135 is there, dated from December 23.  That's the date
that specific kernel rpm went from the "testing" directory to the
released "updates" directory, and that change started propagating across
the Fedora mirrors on that date.

I was actually checking that specific kernel update as test of the
various mirrors I was adding in my /etc/yum.conf files around Christmas
day, and at the time most mirrors I checked had that newer kernel. 

I'm guessing that the usc mirror is currently not updating itself, and I
suspect that whoever is in charge is away since most US Universities are
close right now.

Daniel Robitaille

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