Mount ntfs

Andy Hargreaves andy at
Tue Dec 30 09:46:39 UTC 2003

To return to the original question...

1. Create a directory (using mkdir) in /lib/modules/2.xxxxx.nptl/kernel/fs
called ntfs.

2. Put the file (link at the bottom of this message) into the newly created
ntfs directory.  Rename the file to ntfs.o

3.  Permissions on the ntfs.o file should be 644 (i.e. use chmod 644 ntfs.o)

4.  Now, the line in fstab needs to look similar this:

    /dev/hda1		/mnt/ntfs		auto		ro,user,umask=000    0 0

This is exactly what I have done, and it works fine.

This is the link to the file:


-----Original Message-----
From: fedora-list-admin at
[mailto:fedora-list-admin at]On Behalf Of Randall Crunk
Sent: 30 December 2003 06:53
To: fedora-list at
Subject: Mount ntfs

Is there any simple way to mount the ntfs partition read only in Fedora?
I have been Googling for hours. I have been to and there is not a rpm there for the
latest Fedora kernel. I have the fat32 partition on my drive mounted
but the ntfs gives me a 'file system not supported in kernel" error.
I have the settings entered into my fstab file.


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