Up2date from local yum repository, no GPG

Mike Cisar mlists at starmania.net
Sun Nov 16 01:50:59 UTC 2003

I've tried to set up a local repository in which I've put maybe 6 or 7 quick
and dirty RPM's that I've built or obtained that go onto most of my systems.
I still want to use GPG to check the regular fedora-core packages and
updates, but the local repository has RPM's that may or may not be GPG
signed, so I don't want to check GPG on those packages.  

I can see how to configure in yum.conf to ignore GPG for a repository, but I
can't see anything to configure up2date to do the same.

On the other side of the fence, what is the proper syntax to define a
repository on the local harddrive in yum.conf :-)

>>>>> Mike <<<<<

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