failed upgrade lack of hard disk space

Terry Polzin fox3ec208 at
Tue Nov 18 03:45:12 UTC 2003

On Monday November 17 2003 21:26, Matt Temple wrote:
> Mark Loatman wrote:
> > The issue is why would it say it is outta of drive space if there is
> > 30gb free?
Just a guess here from my old programming daze, large partitions require "Y" 
number of copies of the superblock and smaller partitions require "X" number 
of super block copies.  Maybe there is some highorder turncations occurring 
in the superblock registers or counters.  I'm not a kernel developer, nor do 
I wish to be, just IMHO a logical possibility based on my programming 
experience on Jurassic era "Big Iron" boxes

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