~/.ssh/authorized_keys options global or per-key?

Mikko Paananen mikko at ipi.fi
Wed Nov 19 15:43:15 UTC 2003

ti, 2003-11-18 kello 17:57, Ben Russo kirjoitti:
> the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file may contain
> keys, comments, and options.
> The options appear to be global
> (i.e. apply to ALL keys in the file)

No, they don't.

> Does anyone know, is there any way to have separate
> options for each key?

Options are always before each key:

from="cydonia,utopia," ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAguSuf...

See 'sshd' manual page AUTHORIZED_KEYS FILE FORMAT/Examples.

> Can I have a list of "authorized_keys" files which
> are checked in an order?

No, but you may have many keys in same file.

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