Update and header.info

antonio montagnani anto.montagnani at virgilio.it
Fri Nov 28 16:26:37 UTC 2003

Antonio Montagnani ha scritto:
> When I start Update, te progress dialog stops saying : Fetching 
> http://download/pub/fedora/linux/core/1/i386/os//headers/header.info and 
> I have to kill operation.
> It was working until this moarning.
> Any help??
> Antonio
  additional information..what I did since last successful operation..
I installed Yum and configured yum.conf (but I didn't start yum..)
I added yum livna http://rpm.livna.org/fedora/1/i386/yum/stable in 
up2date sources.
I made some updates (actually one by one, because it didn't suceed to 
make 8 updates all together)
Then icon became blue, but if I run Up2date I get the message of my 
previous message.




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