Hints requested for beginner

Smallcreep smallcreep at quista.net
Fri Nov 28 18:02:24 UTC 2003

On Fri, Nov 28, 2003 at 16:31:35, Graeme Willox wrote:

>  There seems to be quite a lot of information available.  There's so 
>  much, in fact, that I'm not sure where to even start.  Could someone 
>  point me in the right direction, please?  I read a message in this
>  group where someone described how to mount the windows drives,
>  but I still need to find out how to do things like have this drive 
>  mount each time I start up, how to mount the other partition on my
>  drive, and whether there's already something like Windows Explorer / 
>  Xtree (being an old MS-DOS user from way back.  - Am I allowed to say
>  MS-DOS on this list?)  :-)

Can I suggest two books from O'Reilly?  "Learning Red Hat Linux" by Bill
McCarty, which will get Windows out of your system (still works as a
guide to Fedora), and then "Running Linux" by Matt Welsh et al, to set
you properly on the Linux highway.  If you don't want the expense of
books, there's the online Linux Documentation project at www.tldp.org,
and specifically:


Peter Silcock

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