NVidia on Severn2 -> It works.

Niels Weber nath at snafu.de
Tue Oct 21 13:24:59 UTC 2003

Am Sa, den 04.10.2003 schrieb Sean Middleditch um 17:56:
> On Sat, 2003-10-04 at 01:31, Kyle Ramsey wrote:
> For anyone who's interested, I'm attaching a script to automatically
> update your NVIDIA driver if, when you boot up, the driver is detected
> to have been invalidated (either thru an XFree86/Mesa upgrade or a
> kernel upgrade), which has worked wonderfully for me with all the
> changes in Rawhide lately.  Note that it requires kernel-source and
> gcc32 installed to work, and the kernel now must be one compiled w/ gcc
> 3.2.
I just tried out your script and it seems to work. Just that it rebuilds
the driver on every reboot, at least for me.

Thank you, nevertheless.
Niels Weber <nath at snafu.de>

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