rdate not setting the date

WipeOut wipe_out at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Apr 5 12:17:25 UTC 2004

Bill Johnson wrote:

>I searched, but didn't see an answer to this.  I have always used rdate to 
>keep my system clock in sync with time.nist.gov NTP time server.  When 
>daylight savings time hit this past weekend, I noticed that the time on my 
>laptop did not change.  I tried to do it manually, with no affect.  Is 
>there a problem with rdate under fedora?   
>If I run rdate -s time.nist.gov, I get a message displayed:
>Alarm clock
>but no change to the system time.  I have also tried other NTP servers 
>with the exact same result.  I get the same result if I try rdate -p 
>time.nist.gov (or any other NTP server).  
>Any suggestions?  I miss the assurance of my laptop time being accurate.
Run it again..

I sometimes have to run rdate -s three or four times before it works..

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