wget lot of files

Jeff Vian jvian10 at charter.net
Tue Apr 6 20:51:55 UTC 2004

Alexander Dalloz wrote:

>Am Di, den 06.04.2004 schrieb hicham um 21:49:
>>tryin to download lot of rpm files from an ftp site
>>how to get all the files with a  wget once for all ?
>Please, if posting a mail with a fresh new subject to the list, do NOT
>use a different posting and press reply. This will cause thread
>hijacking - like you did. Your mail now contains misleading references
>to the "perplexing CD burning question" thread.
>To your 'problem': wget ftp://server_address/path/dir/*.rpm
>See "man wget" and "wget --help".
And to get the entire directory tree from a single point use
      # wget -r ftp://server_address/path/dir


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