fedoraforum.org poll: What would be the best name for an installer boot image for usb pendrives?

Jef Spaleta jspaleta at princeton.edu
Tue Apr 6 23:21:08 UTC 2004

Poll location at fedoraforum.org:

What if.....
There was a new installer boot image made available that was too big for
a standard floppy, but worked on things like usb pen drives
or zip disk or other bootable media besides cds and floppies, what would
be the best name?

It can't be called boot.img. boot.img was the name of the image used for
floppies, and using it now for the larger image will cause unnecessary

So what are some good ideas for a usable non-confusing filename?
Remember this image..if it existed...isn't just for usb pendrives, there
are a number of different bootable disk media that it could concievably
work for, though on modern hardware a usb pendrive would be a very
common usage.

While I can't completely prevent discussion of this in this mailinglist,
I will say that I am most interested in having people vote in the poll
at the fedoraforum url. So if you have an opinion, please express it in
the fedoraforum.org thread and poll vote.

-jef"3 hours till bug day email"spaleta

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