NX (No Machine) ala VNC client

Ow Mun Heng ow.mun.heng at wdc.com
Wed Apr 7 08:58:53 UTC 2004

Hi Guys,

	Anyone here ever tried out the software called NX 
(no machine www.nomachine.com). I just read the article
over in www.linuxtoday.com and visited the site.

It boasts sessions will be as fasst as if it's run on 
the local computer. They also mentioned that comparing
NX and VNC, NX can run full-screen Gnome/KDE session 
over a 9.6Kbps GSM Modem with acceptable performance.
(whatever that means)

I'm raring to try it out. They even have a test server 
you can try to connect to in Italy on a 512Kbps link.

Cheers,                                                 .^.
Mun Heng, Ow                                            /V\
H/M Engineering                                       /(   )\
Western Digital M'sia                                  ^^-^^
DID : 03-7870 5168                          The Linux Advocate


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