dns problem in fedora

Christopher K. Johnson ckjohnson at gwi.net
Wed Apr 7 15:36:25 UTC 2004

Alexander Dalloz wrote:

>Am Mi, den 07.04.2004 schrieb Jorge Manta Bulhoes um 13:21:
>>Fedora Core 1 has a problem in the DNS.
>>If you install bind, the /var/named directory gets 750 permissions and
>>is onwed by root and group named.
>>If you add a zone in /etc/named.conf from another server as a slave and
>>don't touch the file in /var/named the zone doesn't get transfered
>>because it can't create the file for the zone.
>>Solution: change the permissions in /var/named to 770.
>I did not find a related bugzilla article for that problem. Would you
>please enter that issue as a bug into bugzilla so that the bind
>maintainer (Daniel Walsh) can check and fix it?
Wouldn't it be preferable to have a subdirectory /var/named/slave that 
is 770 and define the slave zone files in named.conf to be placed 
there?  I suspect the point of the mode 750 with root:named ownership 
was to reduce the risk of a compromised named modifying master zone files.

   "Spend less!  Do more!  Go Open Source..." -- Dirigo.net
   Chris Johnson, RHCE #807000448202021

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