mutt and pine

Steve Searle mail at
Thu Apr 8 13:56:39 UTC 2004

Around 07:41am on Thursday, April 08, 2004 (UK time), Joe(theWordy)Philbrook scrawled:

> Do I understand that procmail does sendmail's job?

No.  Sendmail is a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) and transfers messages
between machines.  Procmail is a mail processing utility which filters
and sorts incomming email for a user on a machine.

> And can it be configured to NEVER discard anything but to place ALL
> undeliverable mail in a quarantine folder instead??

Yes it (procmail) can.

> How hard is it to learn???? 

Not hard - but like all things linux, read the instructions 3 times
first :-)  When I started I obtained a free POP3 account and initially
set it up to use that, allowing me to learn by sending emails to that
account from my Linux box, Hotmail accounts, etc, without having to
worry about losing any of my real email.  When I was happy, I went live
:-)  And now it processes all my email, sending a copy of email from
certain family and friends to my wifes account, putting mailing list
stuff into separate folders, and putting the whole lot through
spamassasin and then sending any spam to a separate spam folder.  And
one day I will be trusting enough to change this to /dev/null :-)

> Actually I'd like it to selectively do fetchmails job, so that mail
> matching certain criteria could be left on the isp provided server for
> retrieval to a different pc... But that would be asking a lot.

My ISP allows users to run procmail recipes on their mailserver, but I
don't make use of this facility.



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