A curse on LABEL=

prata at kuei-jin.org prata at kuei-jin.org
Fri Apr 9 13:30:46 UTC 2004

On Fri, Apr 09, 2004 at 01:47:45PM +0100, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> I was just bitten again by the LABEL= bug.
> For some reason, "make install" 2.6 kernels
> causes a new entry in grub.conf using root=LABEL=/ ,
> even though the entry being copied says /dev/hda?
> I don't know why - and don't really want to know why -
> but this causes a panic on my machine,
> with the root partition not found,
> even though it has the correct label according to e2label.
> I understand the supposed advantage of LABEL
> if one is changing a hard disk,
> but I just feel the confusion it causes vastly outweighs its merits.
> Am I alone in this?

I do believe if you manually remake the initrd image, that the LABEL= information will function as it should. I suppose I could go try this and see what it does, but I distinctly remember this functioning for me when I did remake the initrd image once. I always forget to do it when I rebuild the kernel every so often though.

Give that a shot and see how it works for ya. I believe the syntax is similar to:

mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.6.5.img 2.6.5

the first argument (/boot/initrd-2.6.5.img) is the image you will be creating, and the second argument (2.6.5) is the /lib/modules/2.6.5 directory that initrd will use. Barring language mishaps on my behalf, you will have an image that will function as it should. 

Remember to remove the old image first, or else you'll get an error about there already be such an image.

Alex White

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