/dev/fd0 is not a valid block device

Matt Morgan matt.morgan-fedora-list at brooklynmuseum.org
Fri Apr 9 17:48:29 UTC 2004

This is probably dumb. When I installed Fedora I did not have a floppy 
drive installed. I just added one, and kudzu (or something) seems to 
have noticed it, although any changes it made, it made silently. But I 
see, for example, that my /etc/fstab was modified about 30 minutes ago, 
and the last line in it is

/dev/fd0                /mnt/floppy             auto    
noauto,owner,kudzu 0 0

besides that, if I run hwbrowser, I have a 3.5" 1.44 Mb floppy listed.

But, if I try to mount it, I get "/dev/fd0 is not a valid black device" 
and if I try fdformat /dev/fd0, I get "/dev/fd0: no such device or address".

FYI, I'm logged in as root trying these things, just to be sure.  Oddly, 
I notice that the listing for /dev/fd0 looks like

brw-rw----  1 morganm floppy 2, 0 Sep 15  2003 /dev/fd0

(Or maybe that's normal--but why is morganm, my regular user account, 
the owner of /dev/fd0? In any case, changing ownership to root doesn't 

It's possible this is a bad floppy drive, and I suppose it's possible I 
plugged in the cable backwards ... but all of these errors happen before 
it even gets to the point of trying to read the floppy, so it seems like 
something else is broken.

Any ideas?


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