verifying using gpg

Bevan C. Bennett bevan at
Wed Apr 14 00:21:32 UTC 2004

Al Sparks wrote:
> Is there a straightforward HOWTO somewhere on how to use gpg to verify
> downloads when a sig is provided?

It doesn't really seem worth a HOW-TO... at the simplest it's just:

% gpg --verify detached_signature file_to_check

If you have the correct key to verify against downloaded as well 
(recommended) then do this first, otherwise it will just say whether the 
signature is good or not, but not verify who signed it:

% gpg --import publlic_key_file

This will work for most source code distributions. If you want to verify 
the signature on an rpm file, you need to use the rpm command's built in 
mechanism instead, however:

% rpm -K rpm_file_to_verify.rpm

If it complains about missing keys, go to the repository where you 
acquired the rpm and download their public key (it should be prominantly 
displayed), then run:

% rpm --import keyfile

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