Modem PPP Connetction Problems in FC1

Mike Insch (as00000042) as00000042 at
Wed Apr 14 11:06:48 UTC 2004


Hopefully someone can help stop me going bald - I'm tearing my hair out
with frustration here!

I have a problem with getting a good PPP connection with FC1.  I am using
a Sony Ericsson T300 Mobile connected by USB using a PL-2303 USB<-->Serial
Adapter.  I eventually figured the settings I needed to use to talk to the
phone, and I have setup everything for the GPRS connection.

To start with, using the "Network Device Contol" applet
(redhat-control-network), I was getting "Failed to connect with error 8". 
I traced this back to the fact that my Provider (Orange UK) doesn't need a
username and password to connect, so I had left them blank.  Setting both
to "*" in /etc/wvdial.conf got me connected - once!

I then decided to try and enable some of the compression options, and to
crank the DTE<-->DCE speed up a notch.  Since I did that, everything has
gotten borked!

Now, when I try to connect, I get "Failed to connect with error 2". 
Looking in /var/log/messages, I see:
    Apr 14 11:59:13 emmie pppd[8234]: unrecognized option 'ifcfg-Orange'

I have tried reverting to my original settings with no luck.  I have
deleted all of the settings for the connection, the provider and the modem
from within redhat-config-network, and then re-created the lot, also with
no luck.  I can still connect to the Phone's Modem using minicom with no
problem at all!

I have tried to trace the problem, by modifying
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-ppp so that it logs the full pppd
command which is called to syslog - there is no mention on the command
line of ifcfg-Orange (though 'Orange' on its own is mentioned several
times).  I have checked the pppd options file, /etc/ppp/options, and there
is no mention of ifcfg-Orange there either.

I'm beginning to get just a little frustrated, so any advice or
information on where to look would be greatly appreciated.
Regards, Mike Insch, CCA, DipHE           ______________________________
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