OT? - Open source software - good and bad.

Robin Laing Robin.Laing at drdc-rddc.gc.ca
Wed Apr 14 15:10:19 UTC 2004

I have been using FC1 since December with some problems and issues but 
I am very happy with it.  Now with the increased press coverage of 
Linux in the press, it is interesting to read about problems.

This first link dicusses the benefits of Open Source Software in 
comparison to Closed Source Software in regards to licence issues and 
rights.  You don't really own your copy of Windows or Microsoft office 
  (if you use them).  It also covers that risk of losing access to 
your files if a company changes file formats in a future release due 
to "closed standards".

   Why Free Software Matters

The second link covers problems with the user interface for Linux.  It 
does comparisons between Max OS-X and Windows XP.  I didn't find XP to 
be that good of a front end (for the couple of times I have used it). 
  It calls Linux desktops "klunky" in its comparisons.   My 7 year old 
can work her way around the desktop with no problems.  I of course 
prefer command line for many daily tasks.  I have still used Lynx from 
time to time.

   Fundamental issues with open source software development.


Robin Laing

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