nvidia driver works w/ new kernel and inittab 3, but not 5

Eric Diamond eric at ediamond.net
Fri Apr 16 20:04:42 UTC 2004

Try using NVIDIAs package instead. Their install is
really quite well behaved. 

I got both my NVIDIA machines up and running first time
and the acceleration is there. I'm looking at glmatrix
on my 1Mhz PIII GForce2 machine now and it is slick...

Here's my kernel upgrade process for them.

1) Install new kernel, kernel source, etc. using your
favorite installer (yum in my case).
2) edit /etc/inittab to set default runlevel to 3
3) 'shutdown -r now'
4) logon as root (or login and 'su -' to root)
5) 'sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-5336-pkg1.run' and follow
the prompts.

Let the installer remove the old driver, look for a new
module locally, via FTP and finally if necessary, let it
make a new one for you. It compiles everything up and
installs it with a minimum of muss & fuss.

If you were already running the NVIDIA drivers, then
your XF86Config is still valid for it. After the
installer finishes successfully, edit /etc/inittab again
to reset the default runlevel back to 5.

After that you can either reboot, or simply issue 'init

Mind that if you do the latter, you will still have a
root session open on the Alt-F1 console. After the X
logon screen comes up, press Alt-F1 to get back to that
console and log off. Then press Alt-F7 to switch back to
the X logon.

BTW, One of my machines is that PIII I mentioned, the
other is an Athlon XP 2000+ with a GForce4. Like I said,
both converted to the new kernel just fine after the
installer made a new module.


Eric Diamond
eDiamond Networking & Security
eric at ediamond.net

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