yum update 2179 kernel

Jeff Vian jvian10 at charter.net
Tue Apr 20 01:15:34 UTC 2004

John Fleming wrote:

>I ran "yum update", and it updated OpenOffice and got kernel 2179 (currently
>running 2174).  However, there was a message about a bootloader not being
>found.  Now, of course, the 2179 kernel is not in the list of choices in the
>graphical bootup screen, and it defaults to 2174.
>This is not a dual boot machine.  The bootloader is GRUB.
>I've updated with yum about 10 times now, never before with this problem.
>Everything else about the machine is working fine.
>1.  Why did it happen?
>2.  More importantly, how do I fix things?  I just tried looking at
>/etc/grub.conf, but vim treats it as a new file...???
>Help!?  Thanks - John
that should be /boot/grub/grub.conf


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