yum update 2179 kernel

John Fleming john at wa9als.com
Tue Apr 20 15:10:48 UTC 2004

> Heh... I had this the other day.  You have two storage devices with
> labelled as BOOT.  whatever parses fstab is then at a loss which one to
> for.  Check your /var/log/messages for something like this:
> Apr  4 08:51:34 fastcat mount: mount: LABEL=/boot duplicate - not mounted

OK Andy, I have that
mount: mount: LABEL=/boot duplicate - not mounted

So, please tell this newbie -exactly- what to do please.  As I said before,
I've got some networking things going, but you should assume I know nothing
about mounting/partitions/fstab and the like.  (But I will buy someone a
Coke today if you guys help me fix this!)  Tnx - John

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