XDMCP broadcast

dballester at kernpharma.com dballester at kernpharma.com
Wed Apr 21 12:04:51 UTC 2004

>I want to connect my Fedora box using Exceed tool from a windows machine.
>ABut my Exceed tool lists the Sun machines.It does not list the fedora
>Please tell me how i can make my Fedora box for
To respond to XDMCP broadcasts ;)
>making XDMP broadcasts.<

Take a look to Menu->Login Screen ( aka gdmsetup )

You must disable 'Never permit TCP connections' in the Security tab. The
local firewall will block X protocl, too.

David Ballester Montolio
Responsable de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
Kern Pharma, S.L.


|         |           Dhananjoy Chowdhury |
|         |           <dhananjoy at nucleusso|
|         |           ftware.com>         |
|         |           Enviado por:        |
|         |           fedora-list-bounces@|
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|         |                               |
|         |           21/04/2004 13:55    |
|         |           Por favor, responda |
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|         |           For users of Fedora |
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  |     Para:     fedora-list at redhat.com                                                                                        |
  |     cc:                                                                                                                     |
  |     Asunto:   XDMCP broadcast                                                                                               |

Helo Everyone,

I want to connect my Fedora box using Exceed tool from a windows machine.
But my Exceed tool lists the Sun machines.It does not list the fedora box.
Please tell me how i can make my Fedora box for making XDMP broadcasts.

Regards ,
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