Logs and how to read them

Mike Rambour mikey at b2systems.com
Thu Apr 22 17:40:08 UTC 2004

>This is mostly correct. If all those users are supposed to use your SMTP 
>server, then set up your firewall accordingly. I do not suggest blocking 
>25 outbound, but rather *redirecting* tcp/25 to your mail server. That 
>way, *any* attempts to connect to an SMTP server will be redirected to 
>yours. And if one of your Windows users does have a worm, it'll be unable 
>to talk to the outside but you will see it's attempts in your

   what a great idea... and the shorewall one that you suggested in the 
next message also...I wanted to learn on my own without GUI's but I have 
been reading the website shorewall and it seems to just do it so easily, I 
will try it first thing after lunch today.

   By the way my ISP says I have not sent SPAM out since Monday and they 
only received 3 complaints total over the weekend so I think I am ok. 
Concerned because i could not track down how it was done but ok, Thanks for 
all the help...I am sure I will ask more later.

  I never knew my old job here was so boring until I "volunteered army 
style" 3 weeks ago for this one, now I learn something new every hour and 
go home feeling frustrated and like I accomplished something. 

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