Problem with Fedora1 and ipop3d

Brian Edginton edge at
Fri Apr 23 11:31:16 UTC 2004

Tim Alberts wrote:
> On Thursday 22 April 2004 15:33, Alexander Dalloz wrote:
> I think you are correct.  The first message I posted seems to be an imap 
> message.  Which leaves me with the following questions:
> Why is an IMAPmessage getting written with no IMAP service running?
> Why after it gets written does email randomly dissappear?
> Why does the SystemLogger keep telling me /var/spool/mail folder has to have 
> access 777?

Sorry, I came into this converstation a bit late.

I believe that you are actually being told to chmod the directory to 
1777. This sets the sticky bit on the directory.

I know that courier (an MTA) wants the mail spool set this way, I'm not 
sure about any other MTA's. It actually makes sense.

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