non-gecko-based browser ??? Are there any for FC1 ????

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at
Mon Apr 26 06:20:29 UTC 2004

>>>>> "JP" == Joe Philbrook <Joe> writes:

JP> But everything I got on this fc1 (including konqueror) seams to be
JP> based on mozilla.

Konqueror certainly isn't based on Mozilla.  It uses KHTML as its
rendering engine, the same as the Macintosh Safari browser.  No
Mozilla code in sight.

Of course, Konqueror compatibility (at least the version in FC1) is
probably a bit less than that of Mozilla.  It's getting better.

Other than that, you have Opera as another reply mentioned, and you
can run at least some versions of Internet Explorer under WINE.
There's also Netscape 4.something, which might still run if you can
find it (and you have a masochistic streak).  You can probably use the
packages from Red Hat 8.0.

 - J<

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