Hardening Fedora...

Aaron Matteson fedora at cryptosystem.us
Mon Apr 26 07:57:46 UTC 2004

Nelson Guedes Paulo Junior became daring and sent these 4.2K bytes,
> ,
> Hi,
> I know that someone posted it before, but I couldn't find any references
> to a Tripwire substitute.

Aide is a pretty good sub. Google for the homepage.
> I remember that someone asked it before and someone answerer, but I
> couldn't ffind.
  0 1 0  -> Aaron M Matteson - 0xD144B7FF
  0 0 1  --> The worlds tallest dwarf, both kindly and helpful!
  1 1 1  ---> Windows and Linux C++/C# Developer
  The engineer is neither optimist nor pessimist. He sees the proverbial
  half-full/empty glass and says, "The glass is twice as big as there is
  any need for it to be."  
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