neon & neon-devel no announce (was Re: cvs-1.11.15-1.i386.rpm)

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at
Tue Apr 27 05:16:07 UTC 2004

On Tue, 27 Apr 2004 12:14:09 +0800, Dexter Ang 
> and fedora-announce and seemed to have also forgotten
> announcing neon and neon-devel packages. or is it just me?
> not that i need the packages. but it's interesting how some things don't
> get any announcement.

Sadly, this happens, the update annoucement process is not automated,
and package mantainers are going to have to learn how to deal with the
annoucement procedure in fedora, which is difference than for rhl or
rhel. So some of them just haven't had to deal with it yet. So the
best course of action is to remind the maintainer of the neon package
to publish an annoucement to the annouce list.


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