fedora teething problems

Henry Widd henrywidd at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 29 23:22:00 UTC 2004

Hi, recently got fedora on my pc - very good. Well
done whoever makes it!

Few probs to solve though...if anyone knows the answer
pls help me...

1. I get my ip address dynamically, so my /etc/hosts
file is empty - but fedora complains about this on
start up. What should go in there...? just my
hostname? hostname and any old address?

2. The bottom of a Mozilla browser is covered by the
start bar. How can I make it open so it fits within
the window space? (It is impossible to size it down by
hand because you can't get hold of the bottom of it).

3. And if you are still reading...the auto-update ia
great for fedora packages etc, but what abput
something like Ogle dvd player. As yet, I have had to
search for the rpm, then look for its dependencies...
and so on. Surely this is not the way to do it? surely
it can be done automatically?

Thanks for any help,

henrywidd at yahoo.com


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