A reboot user

WipeOut wipe_out at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Apr 30 13:19:06 UTC 2004

Alexander Dalloz wrote:

>Am Fr, den 30.04.2004 schrieb WipeOut um 14:21:
>>I have a colocated server and when I have to get them to reboot it they 
>>just hit the power switch which can't be good for filesystems and 
>Ouch! Why not let the person requested to reboot your server just
>pressing "Ctrl+Alt+Del"? That is by default not deactivated and will
>cause the system to reboot. No user permissions needed, no need for a
>"reboot user".
Good point, thats far easier that my prevoius thought.. I will give them 
that instruction next time..


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