fedora teething problems

Taylor, ForrestX forrestx.taylor at intel.com
Fri Apr 30 16:10:27 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-04-29 at 16:22, Henry Widd wrote:
> Hi, recently got fedora on my pc - very good. Well
> done whoever makes it!
> Few probs to solve though...if anyone knows the answer
> pls help me...
> 1. I get my ip address dynamically, so my /etc/hosts
> file is empty - but fedora complains about this on
> start up. What should go in there...? just my
> hostname? hostname and any old address?

You should change this line:  localhost.localdomain   localhost

to:  machine-name localhost.localdomain localhost

where machine-name is the name that you have given your machine.

> 2. The bottom of a Mozilla browser is covered by the
> start bar. How can I make it open so it fits within
> the window space? (It is impossible to size it down by
> hand because you can't get hold of the bottom of it).

Try minimizing/maximizing (the middle of the three buttons in the
top-right corner).  Also, you should be able to resize using one of the
top corners.

> 3. And if you are still reading...the auto-update ia
> great for fedora packages etc, but what abput
> something like Ogle dvd player. As yet, I have had to
> search for the rpm, then look for its dependencies...
> and so on. Surely this is not the way to do it? surely
> it can be done automatically?

Put in a new up2date sources line in /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources as
others have mentioned.


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