SCO: GPL not unconstitutional

Guy Fraser guy at
Fri Apr 30 21:01:48 UTC 2004

jludwig wrote:

>On Fri, 2004-04-30 at 03:38, bulent wrote:
>>There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.
>Your quote sums it up nicely. I forgot, what Software monopoly is
>financially backing SCO ?? 
They are now claiming {like Microsoft did} that GPL is not enforcable and is un-American.

I don't know what rock they have been living under, but America is not the whole world. And just because the GPL isnot a licence to rip people off does not make it un-American {I hope}.

If SCO wins, on the basis that the GPL licence is un-American, the all the American Linux Distros are affected, but what do Norweigens and the rest of the work care because they are by definition not American, and in most cases glad of that fact. America can keep SCO and Microsoft, the rst of us will happily use Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD and other worthy operating systems.

Actualy it would be a good thing, the current anti-American sentiment around the world would cause an increase in Linux use if it were to be deemed un-American. Bill Gates and SCO can be as American as they want 
and if they get what they want, that's all the market they may have.

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