Is there anyway I could boot linux faster

James Wilkinson james at
Tue Aug 3 12:05:44 UTC 2004

Anindya Biswas wrote:
> What ia ma trieing to do is trining to figure out a way to start gdm
> before most of the services. Does anyone know how to do this. Or is it
> possibnle at all that gdm starts before lets say kudzu and all the
> other default things that load up.

You know, you don't *have* to run kudzu as a service in the first place,
especially if your hardware is fairly "static" (you don't plug or unplug
things much).

Just run kudzu as root the few times when you do add anything.

Kudzu tends to take a fair bit of time in startup, and disabling it is a
very easy way to reclaim that time.

E-mail address: james@ | "What kind of music do you get here, ma'am?"    | "Why, we get both kinds of music, Country and
                       | Western."

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