Promise SATA

Jack Howarth howarth at
Thu Aug 5 00:32:05 UTC 2004

    You can only use FC2 to install a software raid using the Promise
chipset. That is you can not currently use the Promise RAID chipset in
RAID mode but only Ultra DMA mode. This means that you can't have a
dual boot FC2/Windows using the Promise RAID drivers in Windows but
will have to use a software RAID in Windows as well. There is a
utility being developed which will read the header information that
the Promise RAID and others adds to the drive and allow for mounting
of these Promise RAID partitions. However this software hasn't been
integrated into Fedora yet to allow the installation to automatically
find such Promise RAID partitions. For now the best approach is to
turn the Promise chipset to Ultra mode and use a software RAID instead.

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