Kopete crypto crashes intermitantly

Watson, Randy (STP) Randy.Watson at guidant.com
Fri Aug 6 17:44:44 UTC 2004

I'm having some erratic behavior with kopete on Fedora Core2, 0.8.2FC (part of kdenetwork rpm), using AIM.  My AIM account is configed to have 2048 lines in the window.  It works fine without the crypto plugin. For the most part using the crypto plugin does work, but sometimes it behaves as follows:

I type a message in the text window

CTRL-ENTER to submit (replicated with clicking on the send button)

Most of the time, the message will be submitted as expected. 
Occasionally, I get prompted with a dialog asking for my gpg passphrase:

Bad passphrase
You have 2 tries left
Enter passphrase for XXXXXXXX

I Enter my password, and it fails each time.

After the last time, it sends an encrypted message.  This message is corrupt( the right edge, each line does not line up evenly).  I'm not sure even which key is being used to encrypt it.  If I send each time I enter the passphrase, it will kill the connection between me and whoever I am IM'ing.  If I select cancel the passphrase, it sends the broken encrypted stuff, but doesn't kill the remote session

After it dies, I usually can send/receive encrypted stuff again without typing a passphrase.  Othertimes it repeats it's death spiral

I did whack all of my kopete user config stuff that I could find,
restarted kopete, created my account stuff, and it still happens.

Me: Fedora Core2, orignally (and now again) using 0.8.2 which comes with FC2.  I did do the upgrade to 0.8.4 (built it using the instructions given in the news blurb on kopete.kde.org), same issues.  Downgraded back to the FC2 kopete 0.8.2 package.  gpg FC2 1.2.4

remote users that I IM, and have had the same problem:
Mandrake X official, kopete 0.8.0 that comes with Mandrake.
Gentoo, 0.8.0 stable and 0.8.4 ~x86, gpg 1.2.4
windozeXP and miranda, gpg 1.2.5

I did find this bug, but not sure yet if it is related.

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