Inappropriate content in Fedora Core 2

Kevin Wang rightsock at
Fri Aug 6 18:41:52 UTC 2004

On Fri, 06 Aug 2004 04:45:27 -0400, Greg Swallow <gswallow at> wrote:
> More to point, Windows and/or Mac OS do not delivery with such content
> and, if Red Hat/Fedora wants business to seriously consider their
> product, it should do the same. Else businesses will continue to buy
> Windows and Mac OS and keep Linux in the closet.

Windows and mac dont' come with many screensavers, yet it is a HUGE
business. I don't see the problem with having lots of screensavers at
the users' disposal.  Remember that the presence of hundreds of
screensavers is because of public, free, open source contributions,
not because some company hired a person and paid them to create screen
savers. that's a waste of their money, as it isn't a reason for buying
a particular operating system.  Apples and Oranges - the screensavers
available differ for completely different reasons.

> Just as I will be doing this morning. I am considering one final
> hardware purchase to try to get nVidia running correctly on my boxes;
> one RHE WS3 and one FC2. If it will or does not work, I will drop Linux
> completely for our workstations and move these boxes out as servers. No
> GUI no problem.

weird. I have never had a problem running nvidia cards. do you need
something specific like opengl with directcolor 32bit, or some other
video mode that's non standard?

   - Kevin

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